Can Laser Hair Removal Work on Darker Skin Tones?

Many people who struggle with unwanted hair on their face and body, turn to laser hair removal for their long-term solution. In years past, however, individuals with certain skin tones were unable to reap the same benefits. Fortunately, with advanced technology, professionals are now able to effectively perform laser hair removal for those with dark skin in addition to lighter skin tones.

How it Works

Laser hair removal works by targeting the dark pigment in the hair follicle. A low-energy laser beam bypasses layers of skin to target the hair follicles below and zaps them to prevent future growth. Since hair grows in various stages, multiple treatment sessions are usually necessary to ensure all of the follicles have been treated.

Advancing Laser Hair Removal Technology

There are many types of lasers used for hair removal, but not all are safe and effective for all skin tones.

In the beginning years, the laser devices had trouble distinguishing between the hair follicles and the surrounding skin if it was darker in tone, which lead to burns and damage to the skin. However, technological progress has now made it possible for people with darker skin tones to reap the benefits of laser hair removal. The Nd-YAG laser works well for people with darker skin tones and can reach the hair follicle without damaging the pigment in the skin, leading to smooth results.

What to Know Before You Go

Since laser hair removal for dark skin doesn’t involve the same equipment as it does for lighter skin tones, it’s important to research medical offices in your area that use the Nd-YAG laser. To ensure your safety, make sure a board-certified laser treatment specialist is performing your hair removal treatment. Discuss all potential outcomes and risks with your laser treatment specialist beforehand to ensure that you get the best results possible.