Why Vaginal Rejuvenation isn’t Just for Moms

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When talking about vaginal rejuvenation, the focus is almost always on moms. This makes sense as there isn’t anything that impacts the tone, appearance and function of the vaginal region quite like natural childbirth. However, women who have never given birth vaginally can still benefit from vaginal rejuvenation.

What Else Causes Changes in the Vagina?

Laser vaginal rejuvenation isn’t just for moms. Anyone concerned with vaginal laxity could benefit from treatment.

Pregnancy alone, even when it results in a c-section, can cause changes in the vagina. But motherhood isn’t a prerequisite for experiencing vaginal changes. Aging, menopause and other hormonal changes can affect the vagina’s tone, lubrication, sensitivity and more.

These changes can cause sexual dissatisfaction, incontinence and vaginal pain, which can significantly impact a woman’s quality of life. In the past, surgery was the only solution. Now, laser vaginal rejuvenation offers an alternative.

Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation Benefits

The results you can expect from laser vaginal rejuvenation will depend on how your body responds to treatment and what conditions you’re looking to address. Some common laser vaginal rejuvenation benefits you might experience include:

  • Reduced vaginal laxity
  • Increased vaginal lubrication
  • Greater sensation and sexual pleasure
  • Decreased urinary incontinence
  • Better circulation in the genital region

This brings up the question: should you get laser vaginal rejuvenation?

Ultimately, this is a very personal question to answer. However, if any of the benefits above sound like they could improve your quality of life, it makes sense to give some consideration to treatment.

To learn more about laser vaginal rejuvenation and how it could benefit you, schedule a consultation with board-certified laser technician Caroll Delo. Call the office at 813-877-8067 or use our contact page.

Caroll Delo, CCE, CME

Author: Caroll Delo, CCE, CME

Lead aesthetician and co-owner of Simply Smooth, Caroll Delo has over a decade of experience in cosmetic surgery, laser treatments, and medical grade skincare services. Her vast knowledge in cosmetic medicine helps make sure that every man and woman who enters our doors receives top-quality care and expertise.